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Вы здесь » Kitty » Identify / Name the Babe » Guide to the ID Section - Read Before Posting!

Guide to the ID Section - Read Before Posting!

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The ID/Name the Babe section has been created so that you, the board members, can help one another identify the babe in unlabeled pictures/videos that you may have on your computer, or that you run across while browsing the internet.

To make a post to get your babe ID'd, do the following:

1.) Make sure you're a registered member to the message board and you're logged in.

2.) Click the orange "+ Post New Thread" button, which is located on the upper left hand side of the forum.

3.) To post an image you can do this in one of two ways:

Use the attach picture icon (  ) to attach 1-3 images.
Host pictures on an image hosting site by using the insert icon (  ). Please note if you choose this option you MUST use a site meant for hosting images, not link directly from someone else's site (i.e. hotlinking).

For more info on using hosting sites plus a list of sites that allow adult content, click here.

4.) All attached images must be verified on the board by moderators. The moderators do their best to approve attachments ASAP, but they have lives too! So please BE PATIENT!

5.) Sometimes people don't know who the babe is, or if the board is busy, your thread will get quickly buried. Please be courteous and keep your thread bumping to a minimum. If you excessively "bump" your thread, this could lead to consequences from a warning to a ban of your account.

Good luck with getting your babe identified! If you have any questions, please consult the Official Board Rules or PM a moderator for help!




Suggesting this addition to the instructions:

If you have a sample gallery, post the complete gallery link and not a link to any individual single picture. Gallery webmasters don't like linking to single images (even if it's not hotlinked) and the link will probably end up displaying "403 Forbidden" after a while. Post single image links only from the hosting sites mentioned above. For this reason, if a gallery has pictures various women and you want only some of them identified, you still have to post the complete gallery link and then just verbally specify which pictures you're interested in (or you can upload the pictures to one of the hosting sites and link from there).

There are some exceptions to this, such as galleries from and pictures from Those seem to work when linked to individually.



Newbie: I don't have a picture, just a description of a pic I saw on Freeones about 6 years ago.
Can this be posted?



Why yes, text-only descriptions can be posted and I have seen a few cases where IDs have successfully been made from just a textual description. Go ahead and make a new thread in this section. Obviously, include as much detail as you can.

Another option would be to use to browse the site as it was at that time, but it would probably be very difficult to find the page where you were at that time, unless random chance works for your favor (which has actually happened once or twice to me when using it to find IDs here).



If we don't have any pictures, are we allowed to post the url that streams the video?



Hi there!

I just posted a thread, and attached three images. According to the rules here, all attached images must be verified by moderators. I did use the paperclip attachment option, but my thread is already live, so I'm not sure if I did something wrong, or if that is normal.

I guess what I'm asking is: Did I do it correctly, and now the moderators will verify the images? Or did I do something incorrectly, and the thread shouldn't have gone live yet until my images were verified.

Sorry to be confusing, but I just wanted to let you know that I was trying to follow the rules.

Many thanks,



Video sites like YouTube, DailyMotion, etc., have always been allowed. Tube Sites (porn) were all banned until a few months ago when a number of rules were changed. Now, most of them are allowed, but a few were left as banned due to the fact that they are known to host illegal content. Here's what you need to do:

Create a thread, paste the link and then click on Preview Post. If the link come's up with a bunch of ********'s or WTF?WTF?WTF?, it's a banned site and you can just hit cancel.



You must have had a long absence as you've been a member since 2005.

Anyhow, threads are not visible for members who have less than 5 posts. They have to be approved first. This is mainly for the benefit of the mod team, so we can more easily see if a new member has just joined for the purpose of spamming the board. You're over 5, so no problem. As for the attachments, I'll go look now and see if they have been approved yet.



They had been approved, but I unapproved them. Two of the pics were actually several pics in one, what we refer to as serial screen-grabs. These are not allowed on FreeOnes. I would have deleted those two, but I've never been told how to do that. Anyhow, it's not a problem as someone already ID'd her.

EDIT - Okay, I figured out how to fix. After unapproving, I went into the control panel, deleted the the serial pics, and then approved the other pic that was okay.


Вы здесь » Kitty » Identify / Name the Babe » Guide to the ID Section - Read Before Posting!