The ID/Name the Babe section has been created so that you, the board members, can help one another identify the babe in unlabeled pictures/videos that you may have on your computer, or that you run across while browsing the internet.
To make a post to get your babe ID'd, do the following:
1.) Make sure you're a registered member to the message board and you're logged in.
2.) Click the orange "+ Post New Thread" button, which is located on the upper left hand side of the forum.
3.) To post an image you can do this in one of two ways:
Use the attach picture icon ( ) to attach 1-3 images.
Host pictures on an image hosting site by using the insert icon ( ). Please note if you choose this option you MUST use a site meant for hosting images, not link directly from someone else's site (i.e. hotlinking).
For more info on using hosting sites plus a list of sites that allow adult content, click here.
4.) All attached images must be verified on the board by moderators. The moderators do their best to approve attachments ASAP, but they have lives too! So please BE PATIENT!
5.) Sometimes people don't know who the babe is, or if the board is busy, your thread will get quickly buried. Please be courteous and keep your thread bumping to a minimum. If you excessively "bump" your thread, this could lead to consequences from a warning to a ban of your account.
Good luck with getting your babe identified! If you have any questions, please consult the Official Board Rules or PM a moderator for help!