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Вы здесь » Kitty » Identify / Name the Babe » Tips & Suggestions

Tips & Suggestions

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I thought I'd start a thread for members to offer tips & suggestion on how they find ID's. I will delete this if nobody cares to offer anything, so here's the chance.

Most everyone knows about reverse image search, but you may have other ideas. What are they?



-Check it up against
-Look for any logo in the scene/picture
-If a video, try googling the title, the clip might have been published elsewhere, containing IDs



NameThatPornstar pisses me off a lot.
That damn CAPTCHA doesn't work half the time and you have to redo it.
Sometimes the image submit doesn't work. I can submit a pic and it doesn't work, but when I try Google, it sometimes finds the pic on there.



Here's a couple of tricks:
Lately, I've noticed people submitting pics that have been altered with a caption added to the bottom. Googling it finds nothing, but cropping the caption off the bottom will get results.
And, this week I saw two people submit pics that had been "flipped" (the watermark was reversed). Google shows nothing, but using a photo editor to reverse the image helped get results.



- sometimes you can get good finds just searching with some keywords in google images if it's a niche video perhaps in combination with the color tool. same with emp, input tags and look over the results
- look over all comments on identical vids, works best on xhamster with very good related section. also you can find related vids with the length tag on nudevista on any site



have you tried my site? :sneaky: quick paste link or download extension and you can query current url with a hotkey even(ctrl shift f), auto insert image
always looking for feedback



I learned that one a long time ago. The term, "name" is my favorite. "freeones" and "namethatpornstar" aren't bad if you think the image has been requested before.



I don't know what site that is, and don't post it. FreeOnes has a rule prohibiting members from promoting their site(s).



It would be better if more members would contribute something. I'm thinking about just deleting this...



This may be obvious but was a query earlier this week for models in a music video, with two screenshots in the post. Simply googling "music video [artist] and the word "models" yielded the info in the top three or four search results.



I hadn't even thought about videos, because I rarely even try (that is I rarely don't try to help others) to ID requests from video(s), because I'm not good at finding ID's from videos.

However, I do have a couple of tricks:
I use a site call iSpot ( This is mainly for models/actresses you see in TV commercials. Go to the site, click the search, type in your query (EXAMPLE: Burger King) and then choose the commerical you're looking for and check the credits to see if the model is listed. Sometimes, you get lucky.
You can also see if the commercial is on YouTube and then check the comment section to see if anyone posted a model name (or you can ask for the model name).



Hi guys you really should bring a new rule in the ID section.
I mean is really annoying to see thread with only links, you have to click on it, and sometimes you got virus from this shity post.
People should always have to insert a pictures in their post.

Here's a perfect exemple … t-10868731

It took only two minutes to take these screenshot, everyone can make it on windows or iOS, no excuse for it.


Вы здесь » Kitty » Identify / Name the Babe » Tips & Suggestions