She couldn’t believe the day she had looked forward to for so long was nearly over; her best friend was finally a married woman. The wedding had been beautiful and she’d shed a tear watching her friend marry the man of her dreams but she couldn’t help be a little jealous because she was still alone. It wasn’t that she wasn’t trying, she had been on countless dates with men of all types and just couldn’t click with anyone. “Pull yourself together, Laura.” She had muttered to herself multiple times throughout the day when she felt the jealousy creep in, Jen was one of her oldest friends and she was so happy for her. Laura was sure she would find someone, eventually, but she was getting a little sick of being left on the shelf.
She felt confident in her appearance, being toned and lean from the hours spent in the gym, had a good office job, her own home and was more than able to hold a conversation but for some reason she still hadn’t found anyone she wanted to share her life with.
The formalities of the wedding were done for the day and the evening guests were beginning to arrive. Laura was finally relieved of the pressure of her bridesmaid duties and went to the bar to order herself a large glass of wine. Looking around the room she smiled to herself, she could see people talking, laughing and enjoying themselves and even people begining to make their way to the dance floor having enjoyed plenty of the table wine with their meal. Sighing gently she raised her glass of wine to her full lips, sipping the cool white wine and feeling its relaxing effects.