I was in the pub one night with my mates when one of my ex girlfriends walked in. She was a small blonde with big tits. I wss only with her for a few months before she dumped me for some one else. She smiled at me and my mates said wow she is hotter than she was when you were with her. One said bet you would like another go on her. I said not really we used to meet at lunch time for hook ups but i wasnt allowed fuck her pussy or tits and she would only give a bj for a couple of minutes. She wouldnt let me lick her pussy. It was basically playing with her lovely tits, fingering and kissing. Maybe a handjob. The lads laughed and said you used to always brag about fucking her. I ssid of course i did.
One of the lads said is there any of your exs you would like to fuck again. All my friends named one that they would love to be with again. One even admitted to fucking one recently. When it came to me i said i wouldnt like to fuck one of my exs. They said really you have been with some hot chicks. I said i want to fuck all my exs. We all laughed. Just as we laughed my blonde ex walked out and said what is so funny. My friends nearly fell off their seats laughing. I said dont mind them they cant handle their drink. She laughed and said we must catch up for a coffee somwtime time i said sure.
Over the next few weeks i did a list. My friends added girls i went out with for a week etc. They said i need to give progress reports and had a year to complete the same. A year sounds like a long time but i had a lot of exs and a current gf so it wasnt as easy as it sounds.