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Fucking my exs

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I was in the pub one night with my mates when one of my ex girlfriends walked in. She was a small blonde with big tits. I wss only with her for a few months before she dumped me for some one else. She smiled at me and my mates said wow she is hotter than she was when you were with her. One said bet you would like another go on her. I said not really we used to meet at lunch time for hook ups but i wasnt allowed fuck her pussy or tits and she would only give a bj for a couple of minutes. She wouldnt let me lick her pussy. It was basically playing with her lovely tits, fingering and kissing. Maybe a handjob. The lads laughed and said you used to always brag about fucking her. I ssid of course i did.

One of the lads said is there any of your exs you would like to fuck again. All my friends named one that they would love to be with again. One even admitted to fucking one recently. When it came to me i said i wouldnt like to fuck one of my exs. They said really you have been with some hot chicks. I said i want to fuck all my exs. We all laughed. Just as we laughed my blonde ex walked out and said what is so funny. My friends nearly fell off their seats laughing. I said dont mind them they cant handle their drink. She laughed and said we must catch up for a coffee somwtime time i said sure.

Over the next few weeks i did a list. My friends added girls i went out with for a week etc. They said i need to give progress reports and had a year to complete the same. A year sounds like a long time but i had a lot of exs and a current gf so it wasnt as easy as it sounds.



I decided to start with my first serious gf. We were together for 2 years. She was a stunning brunette named Jane 5ft 6 so pretty and 34c breasts. She was my first love and i was hers. We had lost contact over the years but if we met we would say hello. She had a serious boyfriend. I knew what pub they drank in so i decided i would go drink their a few times. I saw her their with her bf. She smoked but i had given up. I decided the best opportunity to talk to her on her own was by smoking. So i would bump into her when she smoked. First time i met her in the smoking area she smiled and said hi. Havent seen you in ages. I said i know. She said thought you gave up smoking. I said i had but like one when i drink. I said we all like to do thing we shouldnt. She just smiled. Next time i went out i said so are thing serious with your bf. She said ya we are moving in together. I said congrats thats great news. I said that could have been me. She said if you had played your cards right. I said you upgraded. She laughed. Next time out i didnt talk to her at all i talked to another girl who loved the attention and laughed. I could see Jane look over to see who i was chatting to. I met her one time before i left she was quiet. I said whats up. She said i didnt think you were into bimbos. I said im not i just did it for my ego. Nice to know someone finds you attractive. She said what about your gf. I said its not going well she wants to go travelling and i dont. She said sorry to hear that. She left soon after with her bf. I took the blonde bimbo back to hers and fucked her brains out.
A week later i went out again knowing Jane was out. When we met in the smoking area she joked are u stalking me. I said i was thinking the same. I said as stalkers go id rather you than the crazy blonde bimbo. She laughed. The blondo bimbo was out too and was trying it on with me but i played it cool. She wasnt impressed. I met Jane a coulple more times in the smoking area and complimented her. She left with her bf and i went to say hello to the blonde bimbo. She said i was rude. I told her my gfs brother was out so i had to. I took her back to hers and fuked her again.
I then did some research on where Jane worked and went for lunch. I just happened to walk out one day as she walked in. She said what are you doing here. I said meeting a friend but he couldnt make it. She said come have lunch with me. I said sure why not. We chatted and it was all relaxed. She told me she was neverous about moving in with her bf. She said i only had 2 serious bfs and the last one didnt end well. I said what happened she said you know it was you. I said i am sorry if i ever treated you bad. I was young and stupid. She said fair enough. I said ever go for a drink in the town you work she said rarely. I said you should lots of good pubs. She said i have no where to stay. I said stay with me. She said what about your gf. I said she is away most weeks with work. I said not as a date i will bring friends from work and you do the same. She said maybe i was getting worried you were coming on to me. I said if i was coming onto you you would know it. She said would i now and laughed. We both left a few days later i texted her. I said not sure this is your number but me and my work mates are going out next Friday if you fancy meeting up. A few hours later i got a message to say just read my previous message which said i fucking hate you from 6 years ago lol. She said yeah sure see you in one of the pubs at 9pm. I messaged back nice one.



So on Friday night i met Jane and her friends with my work friends. She looked incredible. We started off by drinking shots. We went from pub to pub before ending up in a club. She told me earlier in the night she was going to stay in her friends Sarah's house. I told Mark that Sarah liked him he said he liked one of the other girls. I told one of the guys that the girl Mark liked in fact liked him. They both ended up getting together. I saw Mark and Sarah leaving quietly she totally forgot Jane was staying at hers. I saw the other guy kissing and feeling up the really hot one. I had given Jane a few dummy shots so she was just a little drunk and did the same myself. We laughed how drunk everyone was. She said bring me for a dance i loved dancing with with you. We danced and had a lovely time. She said i better go back to Sarah before i do something silly. I said Sarah left with Mark. She laughed and then though i have no where to stay. I said you can stay at mine. Dont worry i will be a perfect gentleman. She said thanks. So we got ina taxi and she told me how great a night she had and that her bf was no fun. I made up my bed for her and made up the couch for me. She said i better go to bed i am a little drunk. I said no worries see you in the morning. She went to bed and i sat on the couch. After a half hour she came down stairs and took me by the hand and brought me upstairs she no point you sleeping on the couch when i have a big bed. She said is it ok if we cuddle and maybe just kiss. I said whatever you want to do Jane. I cuddled her she moved my hands onto her breasts. She had 34c tits with lovely hard nipples. I loved her tits because they were one of the first. I played with them for every day for 2 years so loved them. I could feel her hard nipples through her top as i kissed her neck. She took off her top and said no one loved my tits like you did. I said no one ever will and i kissed her as i squeezed her tits. I then sucked on her nipples. I kissed her again. She said we shouldnt be doing this. I said just pretend its a few years ago and do what we want to do. She looked at me and put her hand down my pants. She gripped my cock and said i want to suck this. I smiled and she went down and sucked me. I then went down on her. She then rode me and i fucked her doggy. Cumming on her face and mouth. She cleaned up and we went to sleep before waking up a few hours later and fucking again. In the morning i made her brekfast and she had a bath. She said i better go but not sure if Sarah is back. I said i will ring back. I rang Mark and said are you at yours or Sarahs. He answered and said Sarahs. I said Jane wants to get her clothes and car. He said we will put a key under the mat but we might be busy. I told Jane. She laughed and said Sarah hasnt had a bf in a while she is making up for lost time.



She had a bath and we went downstairs. She was a bit worried about her bf. I sat her on the couch and said it was fun wasnt it. She said alot of fun. I said once you go forget about it. She said ok. I said want to smoke some weed while we wait for Sarah. She said u trying to get me horny again arent you. I said we can fuck without the weed too. She laughed and said so we are fucking either way. I said if you want. She said yeah probably be the last time so might as well. We smoked and fucked it was amaxing. She even swallowed my cum and then she left. I thought to myself thats one ticked off. Jane

I let my friend know on watsapp operation Jane done. I said who next. One of the last message back Bree. They all started laughing i said whats so funny. The said she a little bit pregnant. I said can we skip or then. I wasnt even with her that long. They said noone said this would be easy. I said ok i will try.

Отредактировано Kitty (Пн 20:38:19)



Bree was one of my mates younger sister. I am not friends with him anymore as he moved away but i remember our relationship being a secret. The first time we got together i had stayed in my mates house after a night out. He had gone to work and everyone was out bar Bree. I went to get breafast in the morning. Bree was there i asked her to make me brekfast she was not impressed. I said maybe a fuck instead again she wasnt impressed. She said her brother would not be happy. I said we wont tell him. She you are so cheeky. I said i know but ur a lil fox. I had a feeling she liked me as she often looked at me when i called over. She was wearing a red night dress and was a tiny strawberry blonde. She sucked my dick and wanked me off that morning. She blew and wanked me again after that and i fucked her a few times but we nearly got caught by her brother so we just left it then. I cant imagine her being pregnant as she is so tiny.



I knew i woukd need a new approach. Cant get drunk or high and she wont be out socialiising. Plus we dont have this big connection like me and Jane had. So i thought i will hit her up online. I messaged her on facebook and asked where her brother is now. She added him to the message and he said hey dude im in usa how are you doing. He said you should come over some time its crazy over her. So that approach didnt work so i messaged her back and said now he is away we dont have to worry about getting caught anymore. She said wtf that was like 10 years ago and im not interested anymore plus im pregnant. I didnt reply to that message. A couple of days later she messaged back and said sorry i didnt mean to hurt you feelings. I said its cool and sorry for being cheeky. I said i had a dream of you one night and it was so vivid. I didnt know you were pregnant but congrats i bet you look super hot. She sent me a pic and said not so hot just fat. I replied wow you look smoking. She said thanks but i dont believe you. I sent a pic of my hard cock beside her pic on my phone. She blocked me. I said fuck. Couple of days later she unblocked me. She said that was very naughty. I said sorry but i cant stop thinking of u. I said u look awesome pregnant. She said my bf doesnt think so he hasnt touched me in months. I said he must be crazy. I said you must be so horny. She said you have no idea. I said i would love to find out. She said nothing for a day or two. Then i got a message when and where. I said my place tomorrow. My gf was in spain at a conference. She said ok collect me at the back of a shop. That night i was all excited but slighly nervous.



The next day i collected her and we drove back to my place which was about 30 mins away. On the way she said this is so fucking strange. I said you look awesome. She said thanks but i dont feel it. I said i cant wait to fuck her. She looked at me and said ok and laughed. You were always such a bad boy. I said i was but im worse now. I said i love the fact i dont have to wear profection. Cant get you pregnant twice. We both laughed. I said your tits look fuller too cant wait to play with them. When we got to my house. I couldnt wait to fuck her. She was about 6 months pregnant nice bump but not huge. I played with her tits and she gave me a bj and then we fucked. I came on and in her pussy. She said it was awesome. Can we meet again next week. I said for sure i found fucking a hot pregnant chick so hot.



That night i messaged my mates and said operation Bree completed. They said wow and asked what it was like. I told them it was awesome. I didnt tell them i was planning to do it again. I said i pick the next one. They said fair enough. I said i am going to try and do the blonde we met in the bar. They said fair enough. I wonder if she puts out now. I said only one way to find out.



I messaged the blonde i met at the bar with my mates the one that put this whole plan in place. She was a sexy little fox but generally a prick tease. I thought back to all the times she got me so horny and i wanted to fuck her but most i got was a handjob or blowjob. I still think about what shes like to fuck. I messaged her on facebook and said how about that coffee. She messaged me back and said i was wondering if you were ever going to message me. I said i wasnt sure you were serious. She replied i never joke about coffee. She said what about tomorrow. I said cool see you then. That night i thought back to our time together.



Next day i met and we chatted about what we had being up to the years since. She looked incredible in short jeans, blouse and leather jacket. She said i feel i need to appologise to you. I said how come. She said i always wound you up but never let you fuck me when we were together. I said its cool it was a long time ago. She said i wanted to i was just afraid of getting pregnant. She said it was something i always regretted and i often thought you would be a great fuck. I laughed. She said well i want to rectify that. I could feel my cock harden as she said it. She said fancy coming back to mine and righting the wrong. I said sure why not. She smiled and said i was hoping you would say that.



Back at Nats we chatted for a couple of minutes on her couch before we started kissing. She then gave me a bj and i fucked her tits which was so nice. She then slid my cock into her pussy. It felt so nice and i wanted to do it so much years before. It felt perfect as i fucked her. I fucked her missionary, from behind, doggy and she rode me. I made her cum a couple of times and she moaned loudly. I then came on her face and tits. She said that was amaxing i am such a fool. I put my hand on her pussy and said that is one box i always wanted to tick. We both laughed. She said next time we can maybe try out a bed. I said sure.



I was chatting to my mates and they were coming up with some of the names of my exs that i should try and fuck next. One of my mates said why dont we try something different for the next couple of turns before going back to the quest. He said is there any chick you really wanted to fuck but never got the opportinity to. I said ya loads. My friend said what about Ms. Jennings our former teacher. We all smiled and said ya. She was a hot young teacher prob 10-15 years older than us she was blonde and skinny and was incredibly sexy. Ever guy in the school wanked themselves thinking about her. She was very nice to everyone and she used to be especially nice to me. She urged me to believe in myself and told me i had loads of ability. I met her one night in a bar in a city far from where we grew up. She came over to me to say hello and to see what i was doing. I remember my uni friends were totally wow if she was my teacher and my girl friend was not impressed. I chatted to her later that night and told her all my mates at school fancied her. She laughed and joked what are you telling me they all knocked one out thinking of me. I said ya everyone did. She laughed and staired at me and said everyone. I went red and said yes. She laughed. My gf then came over and said what are you laghing at. She said just some wankers from school and laughed. I felt a connection with her that night. I wanted to go talk to her and her friend. I could see them looking over and smiling. But my gf had a strop and i took her home. She gave me a smile as we left. I fucked my gf so hard that night imagining it was ms. Jennings. I wondered where she was now.



That night i got on social media and i found her. She looked as hot as i remembered she was a real milf now as she had young kids. I sent her a hi how are you message all i could do was wait. While i waited i found the hottest pic i could of her and did what i used to do years ago i knocked one out. A couple of days later i got a message back saying do i know you. That shocked me as i was sure she would remember me. I said who i was and how she taught me and the time i met her in the bar a few years ago. She said ok, what are you looking for? I said i just wanted to say hi. She replied i am sick of my ex students send me messages when they are drunk. I am married with a family and even if i wasnt i dont fuck my ex students.I replied i know it must be annoying but also flattering. I always wondered what would of happened that night we met a few years ago. She replied you probably would have fucked my friend she really fancied you. I said oh i dont even remember what she looked like. She said did you think i wanted you. I said i guess i did or i hoped you did. She said i dont fuck ex students and i am happily married. Goodbye



Anyone i am not one to give up easy. I will try and fail if need be. So i set about a plan to bumping into her. First i found out what gym she worked out at and went there. She laughed when she saw me. She said hi bit that was it. Next i brought my niece to the playground to where she was with her kids. She said are you stalking me. I said no i thought you might be stalking me. She laughed and said you are cheeky. I managed to find out there was a teacher conference that she would most likely be at and booked myself a hotel. I just happened to bump into her in the hotel bar. She was with another female teacher who didnt know me. She said to me at the bar wow you dont give up do you. I said no. She said lets get this straight i will never sleep with you. She asked if i understood. I said yes. She said good now lets check this town out. We went to a few bars and we had a great laugh. She was so sexy and a great dancer. We went back to the hotel. Her friend was drunk and trying it on with me but i politely knocked her back saying i had a gf. I helped Karen get her to bed and said goodnight. She said thanks for a good night and thanks for not trying it on. I said its ok it was probably just a silly fantasy. I went back to my room sttipped to my boxers and wanked myself silly before passing out.
I woke up a few hours later with a pair of perfect tits in my face. I wondered if i was dreaming but when i looked up there was Karen. She looked incredibly hot. Her body was hotter than my imagination ever imagined. I was soon licking her beaitiful pussy. She maoned in pleasure before she wanked me and i fucked her perfect tits. I then fucked her in numerous positions and she loved it. She came twice before i shot my load on her tits. I said wow this was much better than i ever imagined. She smiled and said ya me too. She said im going back to my room to sleep. Remember what i told you and she got cleaned up and left. I was bizzing. Wow did that really happen.



The teaching conference had finished and i saw Karen and her friend bring their bags to their car. They both drove off. I had breakfast and went back to my suite. I sat and watched tv. Then there was a knock on the door. I opened the door expecting housekeeping. But instead it was Karen. I said i thought you checked out. She said i have but you havent. I said do you need to go home. She said let me worry about that. She stripped off and we fucked on the couch. It was amazing and i came all over her face.


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