Welcome to the FreeOnes Erotic Stories and Fantasies section! This is the place where you can post your original sex stories and fantasies!
Before you post, please carefully read the guidelines because there's a few things we just can't allow here:
1.) To avoid treading on legal toes, the story you post MUST be your OWN original work. Plagiarism is a pretty serious offense and won't be taken lightly.
2.) Stories should be a minimum of 500 words. Long stories are of course welcome!
3.) Stories must stay on the legal side of things. No rape, incest, children, animals, snuff, violence, etc. If you're not 100% sure if it'll be allowed, send it to a FO staff member to proof read it.
4.) Make your story readable! I.E. spell check it, use paragraphs, punctuation, proper grammer! Walls of text will be deleted.
5.) The ONLY threads that should be started are stories! Off topic threads will be moved to the approperiate section. Of course you can reply to stories and compliment the author in the story thread!
Enjoy the story section!
Note: If you have a story you'd like to post, but you rather stay anonymous for whatever reason, either PM it to me or email it to webmaster@freeones.com and one of us will be happy to post it for you!